About Me

Hi! My name is Grace, I'm Canadian, and I like to read.

The end.

Haha, just kidding, although that's just about how great I am at introducing myself. ^^

The Basics
Born in the U.S.A, lives in Canada, of Chinese descent. I like to consider myself French too, but I don't think speaking French will get you a French citizenship. I'm 14 of age, and I go to school, and I have the weekends off.  

My Interests
Here's where it gets slightly more interesting... I love playing the violin and piano, and rehearsing with my Youth Orchestra. I have a little obsession with old-school gymnastics, and a HUGE obsession with Costco! (What can beat free samples and awesomely-priced books?) Oh, and I absolutely adore food and the Food Network, and I love playing badminton.

...should be separated in its own category because they are just SO. AMAZING. I love reading, I love writing book reviews, heck, I love smelling books. (Now it's getting personal... Continue at your own risk). There is just something about getting lost in a beautifully crafted story that is just so appealing to me (and to many others, I hope).

Contact Me, Maybe?

Instagram: @violingrace


  1. I nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award! for more info click here: http://leopardkittybooks.blogspot.ca/2012/09/liebster-blog-award-once-again.html

  2. I'm ALWAYS on the search for food, espeically when I got nothing better to do. XD And I love Fridays at Costco because, for some reason, they put more samples! Wonderful third edit, Grace. :D

    1. Thanks Delaney! I don't think I have ever gone to Costco on Fridays, because I have violin lessons on that night, but I know that they put quite a lot of samples on Saturday afternoons :)

      -Grace :)

      P.S. Costco samples rule!

  3. I love how you're passionate about books - gives me hope for our generation. You're so young (not in a bad way) and yet you're such an articulate, skilled writer... can't wait to see what you accomplish!

    1. Aw, thank you so much for the compliment, Thomas! It truly means very much to me. This blog and Goodreads have definitely help improve my writing by so much, and hopefully it won't cease to do so! And I think everybody should give books a chance, they are just wonderful, aren't they?

      -Grace :)

  4. Yay! I'm so glad I've found someone else who smells books! Ok, saying it like that makes it sound totally weird... But still! Oh, and I'm loving the new layout! :)

    1. Haha, thanks Ruby! And...


      -Grace :)

  5. I love your new about page :) I have never been to Costco...probably because there are none where I live.

    1. What?! How do you live?! Haha, just kidding :)

      And thanks Lottie! I always have to change it up after a while cause I get bored of my old one :3

      -Grace :)

  6. What a cute blog! Consider me a follower :)

    1. Thank you so much Taryn! I appreciate it so much :)

      -Grace :)


Hi! If you are here, I'm assuming that you've just read my post. If yes, don't hesitate on leaving a quick comment, I truly do appreciate each and every single one of them!

-Grace :)


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