The Story

Cue effect showing the opening pages of an ancient looking storybook.

"Some of you guys might be wondering right now, why The Humble Watermelon? Well, my patient grasshopper, let me take you through a journey that will provide you the answer that you have desperately sought..."

"See, it all started with two words..."

Humbleness: I think it's the quality that I appreciate the most in a person. Being humble is something that I think everybody can look up to, and something that everybody can try to achieve. It is just such a pure, lovely quality, and I really do respect and appreciate anyone who is, or tries to be, humble.

Watermelon (click here for a post on the fruitful history of the watermelon): A wonderful fruit indeed. Crisp, juicy, sweet... And such delightful colours too! I adore this fruit to pieces. Or should I say, to slices. ;)

"And so, by combining the forces of these two words, the world sees the birth of the blog The Humble Watermelon."

Cue effect showing the dramatic turning of the last page of the storybook.


  1. Ha, cute story! While I agree that humbleness is an admirable quality to possess, I've never been a fan of watermelons - all of the effort to remove the seeds just to eat something that tastes like water. But to each his/her own I suppose.

    Perhaps this is something I should do for my blog soon; thanks for the inspiration!

    1. My pleasure, Thomas! I think it'd be a wonderful thing to do, especially with your skilled writing! And have you ever heard of seedless watermelon? I guess the name says it all! ^^

      -Grace :)

  2. Awesome! This makes me want to do a back-story on my blog although there really isn't much of one. :P I think being humble is awesome, too! And watermelon? Best fruit ever!

    1. Yay! Glad you like it, Annie! And hey, I think you should go for it! Every blog has a beginning!

      -Grace :)

  3. Such a great story to a blog. Mine isn't even half of that amazing of your blog's.
    My blog's story: Saw someone else's blog. Charlotte decided to make one. The end.
    Humbleness and watermelon are things that the world wouldn't be able to live without :)

    1. I totally agree :) And honestly, my blog kind of started like that too!

      Thanks for the comment, Lottie!

      -Grace :)

      P.S. Your blog is absolutely wonderful!


Hi! If you are here, I'm assuming that you've just read my post. If yes, don't hesitate on leaving a quick comment, I truly do appreciate each and every single one of them!

-Grace :)


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