January 3, 2013

More than a Cruise

What I love about cruises is that they have awesome food 24/7, a great selection of activities, people from all around the world and a fantastic vibe. Sure, I've only been on one cruise in my life, but I'm certain that many other cruises have all the great stuff I listed above.

Yet it's also more than that. When you're on a cruise, you have the freedom to roam around everywhere, you can get ice cream whenever you want, and if you feel like dancing, you can just head on over to the DJ's place and have a blast! It's like an endless amount of possibilities to have fun.

But it's also even more than that. You get to learn more about other people living in the different corners of the Earth, and make new friendships that will last a lifetime. You can experience different cultures in food, and gain new knowledge on anything and everything.

Although, it's still even more than that. It's watching the beautiful sunset as you gaze at its lovely colors, it's going on the upper most deck at midnight and having a conversation with the timeless stars. It's about discovering more about yourself, and learning about what you seek in life.

You see, when there is no homework or Internet connection or stress about your daily chores for a week, you make time for the other things in your life that might've been neglected. And they might be small things, but they are just as important. They are what makes you, you.

This vacation was more than just a cruise. It was new discoveries, great friendships, carefree eating, insouciant behavior, and lots of crazy laughing. I am so grateful to have experienced such a wonderful one week, and this will truly be a (long) moment to remember.

P.S. The cruise my family and I were aboard was the Carnival Legend. It is truly a fantastic cruise, and I would strongly recommend it to anyone!


  1. Ahhh, you make me so jealous, Grace. XD The cruise sounds so amazing! Take me with you next time!

    1. Of course! That is, if you can fit into my suitcase! >.<

      Thank you for reading my post and commenting!

      -Grace :)

  2. All the reasons you listed are all reasons I love cruises too! I remember on my most recent cruise I finished eight-ten books; without the internet or homework or other societal pressures distracting me, I was able to read a lot. great post!

    1. Thanks Thomas! And oh, I know! My suitcase got really full, so I wasn't able to bring as many books as I intended to, but luckily, there was a club for people my age, so that took up most of my time! (In a good way!) ^^

      Thanks a lot for stopping by and commenting!

      -Grace :)

  3. You're so lucky! I've never been on a cruise, but it sounds awesome! Also, love the new background :)

    1. Thanks Annie! And yeah, cruises are fantastic! I really didn't expect it to be that great, my expectations were pretty much blown away!

      Thank you for reading my post and commenting!

      -Grace :)


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-Grace :)


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